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Read online ebook Stephen J. Williams - Health Care Services in the 1990s : A Consumer's Guide in DOC, FB2, EPUB


How do you go about choosing between health insurance plans . . . selecting a hospital. . .choosing a doctor? These are just some of the difficult decisions certain to have a profound impact on your physical, emotional, and financial well-being for years to come. This comprehensive guide shows you how to make knowledgeable choices--how to get everything you require from our nation's $600 billion a year health care system. Health Care Services in the 1990s provides life-or-death information about ambulatory care, long-term care, and mental health services. Learn about the changing roles of physicians and dentists. . .insurance vs. pre-paid plans. . .how hospitals and physicians get current addresses, contact information, and toll-free telephone numbers of agencies capable of anwersing questions about specific needs and situations. health care system, and proceeds with the active role of the consumer as a partner in the system, protecting and promoting one's own health. The book also describes ways in which the systeM's resources can be most advantageous when the consumer is not in bad health. The book progresses with a detailed exploration of the major components of the system, and analyzes functions such as ambulatory care, the choice of a hospital and its services, long term care, the nursing home, and mental health services. The major providers of care (the physicians, dentists, and other relevant providers) and how to work with them are discussed. Consumer approaches to health insurance, governmental health care programs, and financial considerations are also addressed. The quality of health care from the consumer viewpoint and protection of consumer rights inherent in the system is another aspect covered in this valuable book. Alternatives to the traditional health care system are also provided., The main aim of this guide is to show people how to make knowledgeable decisions in choosing their health care, such as insurance, doctor and hospital. It provides information about ambulatory and long-term care and mental health services and discusses the changing roles of physicians and dentists, insurance versus pre-paid plans, assuring quality care, how hospitals and physicians get paid and alternatives to traditional medicine. Appendices list current addresses, contact information and toll-free telephone numbers of agencies which can be approached to answer questions about specific needs and situations.

Read book Health Care Services in the 1990s : A Consumer's Guide in MOBI, TXT

While there is little to no scientific evidence that either technology causes ill health effects, one technology has been universally embraced, while the other has been largely demonized.Diagnosed in April 2006 with stage IV lung cancer, Diana Lindsay discovers the odds of making it to 5 years are 1%.Through close investigation of HIV securitization in the UN system, in which a small number of elite actors sought to position HIV as a security threat and thereby catalyse change in the global HIV response, the book develops a novel empirical analysis of the causes and consequences of HIV securitization, and a novel theoretical framework that unites the Paris and Copenhagen schools of securitization theory.Using this step-by-step guide, you can recover, heal, be happier and actually raise the bar for your health., Don't just beat the odds-come back from serious illness like cancer or a heart attack even better than before.Can you recover from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic health issues, and actually become healthier than you were before?All parents want a happy and healthy child in a safe home, but where do they start?Proximity to structures that affect property value includes high voltage overhead transmission lines (HVOTL) and cellular phone towers.The combination creates a perfect balance for readers seeking to nourish both body and spirit.With more Americans dying each year from job-related causes than were killed in a decade of combat in Vietnam, ""Health and Work Under Capitalism"" is a long-overdue and unusually significant book.Applied Theatre: Performing Health and Wellbeing is the first volume in the field to address the role that theatre, drama and performance have in relation to promoting, developing and sustaining health and wellbeing in diverse communities.The authors describe how the medical school built itself back up after nearing the brink of financial ruin in the late 1970s, with philanthropic support and a renewal of its longstanding commitments to biomedical innovation and discovery.Central to this story is the closely intertwined, and at times tumultuous, relationship between Weill Cornell and its hospital affiliate, now known as New York Presbyterian.With "Coconut Oil for Health," you will discover all the benefits that a simple jar of coconut oil can bring., Discover the power of coconut oil!