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New Directions in German Studies: German Aesthetics : Fundamental Concepts from Baumgarten to Adorno 16 (2016, Paperback) by TXT, MOBI, DJV


German Aesthetics establishes for English-speaking audiences the fundamental concepts of the German aesthetics from roughly 1750-1970. Written in a clear and lucid style, it does not presuppose knowledge of aesthetic theory, or the German tradition of aesthetics in particular, with each entry offering both creative interpretations of the German aesthetic tradition that are useful for researchers as well as introductions and summaries that can serve as helpful preparation for classroom discussion. To achieve this combination of specialization and accessibility, German Aesthetics brings together a wide array of experts from the fields of German literature, philosophy, film studies, and history., German Aesthetics provides English-speaking audiences with accessible explanations of fundamental concepts from the German tradition of philosophical aesthetics. The book's organization proceeds from the condition that aesthetic concepts are often highly contested intellectual territory, and that the terms' usage and meanings often shift within historical, cultural, and political debates. The volume brings together scholars of German literature, aesthetics, philosophy, film studies, musicology, and history, to provide informative and creative interpretations of the German aesthetic tradition useful to students, instructors, and researchers alike.

Book New Directions in German Studies: German Aesthetics : Fundamental Concepts from Baumgarten to Adorno 16 (2016, Paperback) by TXT