- Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies: Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 2013-2014 Vol. 16 (2015, Hardcover) in TXT, DOC, PDF
9781849466288 1849466289 The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies provides a forum for the scrutiny of significant issues in EU Law, the law of the European Convention on Human Rights, comparative law with a 'European' dimension, and, particularly, those issues which have come to the fore during the year preceding publication. The contributions are commissioned by the Center for European Legal Studies (CELS) Cambridge, a research center in the law faculty of the University of Cambridge specializing in European legal issues. The papers are at the cutting edge of the fields which they address and reflect the views of recognized experts drawn from the University world, legal practice, and the institutions of both the EU and its Member States. Inclusion of the comparative dimension brings a fresh perspective to the study of European law, and highlights the effects of globalization of the law more generally and the resulting cross fertilization of norms and ideas that have occurred among previously sovereign and separate legal orders. The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies is an invaluable resource for those wishing to keep pace with legal developments in the fast moving world of European integration. (Series: Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies)
9781849466288 1849466289 The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies provides a forum for the scrutiny of significant issues in EU Law, the law of the European Convention on Human Rights, comparative law with a 'European' dimension, and, particularly, those issues which have come to the fore during the year preceding publication. The contributions are commissioned by the Center for European Legal Studies (CELS) Cambridge, a research center in the law faculty of the University of Cambridge specializing in European legal issues. The papers are at the cutting edge of the fields which they address and reflect the views of recognized experts drawn from the University world, legal practice, and the institutions of both the EU and its Member States. Inclusion of the comparative dimension brings a fresh perspective to the study of European law, and highlights the effects of globalization of the law more generally and the resulting cross fertilization of norms and ideas that have occurred among previously sovereign and separate legal orders. The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies is an invaluable resource for those wishing to keep pace with legal developments in the fast moving world of European integration. (Series: Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies)